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A Beginner's Guide To Launching an SEO-Optimized Site

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Launching an SEO-optimized site can be done by beginners in a few simple steps. SEO can be a complicated and time-consuming process that can be overwhelming for anyone. With Knifty, you can have a fast and completely optimized SEO website in a few minutes.

Designing your site is only a small part of getting your business online. SEO is paramount to bringing in long-term customers, beating the competition, and lowering your advertising costs. Ranking businesses can bring in customers for years with no extra costs.

Money can be a barrier for small and medium-sized businesses looking to optimize their new sites for SEO. Reducing your costs and creating an SEO-optimized site can be done by utilizing AI copy creation together with manual content.

How To Launch an SEO-Optimized Site for Beginners

SEO Optimized sites can be launched quickly, easily, and affordably by following the step-by-step process below.

  1. Sign up for Knifty - Knifty is an instant site creator helping businesses get their fully SEO-optimized website up and running in minutes.
  2. Answer some questions - Knifty will ask you a series of questions to understand your business.
  3. Site creation - Utilizing the information you provided, Knifty will create your site using the designs and layouts of top-ranking sites in your industry.
  4. Edit - Easily make any edits, try out a different layout or colors, or add copy.
  5. Launch - Launch your site in a couple of clicks.

Why Optimizing Your Site For SEO is Important

Optimizing your site for SEO is important for many reasons. Many beginners think SEO should only be worked on after the site is up and running. SEO should be worked on from the planning stage to the design and building of the website and afterwards.

Business owners who want to get a website up and running ASAP, and/or those without any knowledge of SEO are recommended to use an AI website builder. The optimizing SEO side of things will be included with your site - saving many dollars and hours.

Why AI Website Builders Are Good For Beginners and SEO

Ai website builders are good for beginners and SEO for several reasons. Businesses are utilizing instant site builders due to their SEO capabilities. Beginners can have a site up and running in seconds without any SEO knowledge.

No Plugins

With AI website builders, you don’t need to worry about plugins slowing down your website. Plugins can be good for SEO if utilized correctly, but many just weigh your site down and reduce site speed. Think of plugins like apps on your smartphone, the more you have the more storage they use.

Mobile Friendliness

Designing your website will require a desktop, tablet, and mobile version. Optimizing and resizing your website features and copy can take hours. Building a site with an AI website builder will automatically design your site for each device.


Sitemaps are an important tool for SEO and getting your site’s pages indexed. Search engine bots will utilize the sitemap as a guideline for crawling pages and avoiding any duplicate URLs.

Bots will also send a signal to the search engine about which pages are important, and they won’t crawl pages that aren’t. Sitemaps can be a bit complicated for beginners, and if not set up correctly, sitemaps can have a terrible effect on your site’s SEO.

Utilizing an AI site builder will save any of the hassles of setting up your sitemap. Automatically set up, AI web builders will create an accurate sitemap without any input from you required.

No Unnecessary Code

SEO can be greatly affected by the coding on your website. If you have no experience in technical SEO or web design then it would be hard to recognize the coding on your site is affecting how you rank on search engines.

Optimized Images

Images on an AI-built website will be already optimized for SEO. Compressed to reduce speed load time and produce a better user experience, images come with

Font Size

AI site generators create optimal font size, width, line height, and type of font that provide the most user-friendly and SEO-optimized copy.


AI web builders like Knifty provide hosting for your website. Hosting can harm your site speed, page load time, and other factors that will affect how well you rank on search engines.

Site Structure and Navigation

Utilizing AI-built websites will create site structures and navigation that are paramount for SEO. Sites will be designed in a pyramid-type structure with the most important pages on the top i.e. the homepage.

Indexing bots will be able to index your site pages much quicker if the navigation is set up correctly. Beginners can find this part of the process confusing, but with AI site builders it’s automatically taken care of.


AI instant site makers are not only great for launching an SEO-optimized site but also value for money. Hiring a web designer or an SEO expert to design and optimize your site will cost a lot of money. Instant site makers cut them out and save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

What To Consider When Launching an SEO-Optimized Site

Launching an SEO-optimized site comes with many things to consider. Following Google’s guidelines and designing your website with SEO in mind is very important.


Search engines love websites built with the user in mind. Creating an easy-to-use and structured website with a menu and clear navigation is great for SEO. As mentioned above, search engine index bots will crawl your site and if it’s not structured probably you will have a hard time indexing the site.

User-friendly websites will also be a better experience for the visitor, and keep them on the page longer. Staying on your website also sends Google a signal that the content is what the user is looking for - a boost for SEO. AI website builders design websites with user-friendliness as a priority.


Google lays out exactly what it expects from websites to rank on its platform. Following the basic guidelines will keep your site in its good graces. User-friendliness, speed, and not using any black hat SEO techniques are the things to keep in mind when launching your site.

Artificial technology website builders offer just that. Platforms like Knifty will create well-designed user-friendly sites that don’t go against Google’s guidelines.


How your site appears on search engines, page titles, and the signals it sends to search engines are all related to meta-data. Launching websites by designing yourself or a website designer will require you to set this up manually.

A time-consuming process that will cost you more money if outsourcing. Instant site builders using AI technology will automatically create your metadata to fit your current website template.

A Beginner’s Guide To Launching an SEO-Optimized Site - Recap

Launching an SEO-optimized site for beginners can be overwhelming. With an abundance of SEO-related guidelines that should be followed when launching a site, it can be complicated for a beginner.

AI instant site builders will completely optimize your site for SEO in just a few clicks. Answering a few questions about your business and site is all that’s required, the AI web builder will do the rest.

Utilizing an AI web builder will create mobile-friendly sites with metadata on all setup, responsiveness, hosting, font size and layout, and no need for plugins. All of which are very important for your site’s SEO.

Beginners don’t need to worry about all the technical SEO side of things and can continue working on other parts of their business. Not to mention, AI website builders will reduce the amount you need to spend on a website.


Launching an SEO-optimized site for beginners can be a daunting task. Let’s look at some of the most common questions and answers for optimizing your site for SEO.

Do I need to optimize my new site for SEO?

Yes, you need to optimize your new site for SEO if you want your website to get found by customers. Optimizing your site for SEO is more than just placing a few different keywords within your content. SEO should be worked on your website before it’s launched. If you don’t have any idea about SEO, you can use an AI instant site maker that will take care of everything on the SEO setting up the side of things.

Can I optimize my site for SEO on my own?

Yes, you can optimize your site for SEO on your own, but it can be a time-consuming and complicated process. AI website builders don’t require any SEO input from you when setting up, so it might be more useful to utilize them. Business owners are opting for AI web builders to save time and money by having SEO-optimized sites up and running in minutes.