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Why a Website is Important for your Business

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In 2023, you should make it your mission to build a better online presence. Simply put, businesses need to be online.

A website is vital for your business if you want to keep up with your competitors, grow your sales, expand your business, and ultimately build a greater market presence. With the ease at which you can have a website up and running means there is no excuse not to do so. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why you need a website for your business.

• Brand Awareness

Building your brand creates trust between you and the customer. A website allows you to get known beyond your local area and demographic. Sell your products, showcase your offers, add your contact information, and get your business name out there through your website.

Customer reviews are also an essential factor of building brand awareness. If you are providing a good service, this will in turn get you good reviews that can be seen by potential customers online. If someone searches for ‘Bakery near me’ for example, most people will choose the highest-ranking website with the best reviews.

• Cost Effective

Online stores are much more sustainable and cost-effective than running a physical store. Everything from furnishing the premises, staff costs, rent, utilities, and other costs need to be taken into consideration. Running your business through a site can drastically keep those costs down.

• Long Lasting Results

Websites that rank well on search engines can bring you, clients/ customers for years to come. SEO optimized websites can bring in visitors without having to spend any extra money on advertising costs.

You don’t need to be an SEO expert to have your website rank. Instant Site Creators such as Knifty allow you to create websites with all the SEO fundamentals done. Making sure your website is fast, providing the website visitor with the information they seek, and following the search engine guidelines are just some of the basics you need.

• Expand Your Business

Growing your business can be done with the right marketing. A website can do this by bringing in more customers than a brick-and-mortar business ever could by using old marketing techniques. If your business is ranking well on the SERPs, this could be the boost you are needing to take your sales to the next level.

• Professional

Nowadays, a business that isn’t online doesn’t look professional. Customers expect to be able to find out all the information they need by searching online. Create a well-designed site that provides customers with everything they need.

Studies show that a badly designed website will turn customers away due to them losing trust in the brand. You wouldn’t buy food from a dirty restaurant, so why would a customer expect to buy a product from your site if it’s badly designed.

Professional sites don’t require you to spend a lot of money. Here at Knifty, you can have a website up and running in a matter of minutes. You don’t need to have any coding or web design experience, and can simply get a high-end-looking website at a fraction of the cost. \

Stay ahead of the competition

A website is important for your business in order to stay ahead of the competition. Creating better content, offers, reviews, and overall a better experience for your customers is a sure fire way of getting ahead..

Tip: Find out what keywords your competitors are ranking for then create better content to outrank them.

If someone is searching for your type of business online, your competitor’s website will appear. So, that's a potential sale you are missing out on.

• Great ROI

If you take into consideration how much money you spend on the website, how many sales or clients do you need to make this money back? Websites can be made at a minimal cost as previously mentioned. Websites can generate you these extra sales that the site can be bringing in the future.

• Customer Service

A website allows you to put information customers may require. Adding a FAQ section to your website will save you a lot of time. Answering emails or calls to answer questions can be time consuming. An added bonus is that if the customer contacts you after reading all the necessary information, it will more likely be a sale than a general query.

• 24/7

Running a brick-and-mortar business, you will be limited to making sales during opening hours. A website can generate sales any time of the day, outside your regular business hours. If customers need some information or check if you stock certain products can do so by checking your website.

Why a Website is Important For Your Business FAQs

Check out some of our most common questions regarding why a website is important for your business.

How much does having a website increase business?

Having a website can increase business dramatically. Websites allow you to reach a worldwide audience to sell your product or offer your services. For local businesses, a website allows you to be easily found by potential customers, stay ahead of the competition, build brand awareness, and generate more sales in return.

Do you need a website for your business?

Yes, you need a website for your business. No matter the size or type of business you have, having a website has no downsides. In this day and age, everything is done online. Whether it’s looking for a nice restaurant or buying clothes, people are much more likely to find this information online.

Why does my small business need a website?

Your small business needs a website in order to grow your brand, boost sales, get found by customers, create trust, and many more reasons. Small businesses in particular, need to do everything to ensure success, so building a website can boost the chances of that happening. You can create a website in minutes with Knifty. Why not try today?